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Level 6 Portfolio

Artist Statement

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about my work

My body of work is a celebration of the joyful aspects and memories of human life, encapsulated into a square canvas marked with colourful brushstrokes of oil paint. Each of my paintings are connected personally to me as the subjects depicted are people who exist in my life as well as a depiction of the friendships that surround me. I strive to reveal the personalities and individuality of those closest to me in my portraits, candidly portraying what life is like for my chosen subjects. The paintings are moments captured through the lens of my own camera. Painting these scenes is a way to freeze the picture and trap my subjects in a memory; painting is a way of letting things go on through time.

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Although I strive to create realistic portraits of my muses that are undoubtedly identifiable, I do not attempt to create a photograph. Rather, each piece aims to exude a warmness and personality, to create a painterly feel with spontaneous and gestural marks across the entirety of the canvas; should I feel the need to, I will add a brave brushstroke of crimson red onto my portrait, simply to elevate the whole of the painting and bring my subject to life.

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Sabha Shafiq

EST. 2021

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